Daily Archives: January 30, 2007

And Thus a Four Year Saga Ended…

Depending On Your Definition of Saga…


Yes, the infamous Squall Heartilly has returned, for good hopefully.


Why have I been gone so long? Well, a lot of reasons. Must of them money related, but ease your worries/complaints now. I, Squall, have found a job at BG Service Solutions. Hopeful over the next four months, I’ll be able to catch up with you guys. However, a good deal of money will be set aside for bills and expenses.


In any case, I do not see another long leave of absence again, unless you know, I catch a blood pathogen at work. Did I mention I am a janitor? Or how the training video at work was slightly offensive and unintentionally funny? Or how I am being forced (no viable alternative) to join the AFL-CIO?


Its not that I mind that last one, its just takin’ five bucks out of my checks (for the next four checks) and every little bit helps (you know).


In any case, the blog is back now. I’ll be adding this to the pages as well, under Cue Intro. And, thanks for your time.

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Filed under AFL-CIO, BG Service Solutions, Saga